Is it ok to want fancy things?

I am always quick to admit that I am very pragmatic when it comes to sewing. I don’t buy expensive fabric and I don’t have a super fancy sewing machine. I learned to sew on my grandma’s old black enamel Singer that did one stitch, straight. That was it. Eventually I upgraded to my other grandma’s 1960s era White machine that boasted straight AND zig-zag.

When my dad bought me my own machine, I got a basic, sturdy Kenmore. I was blown away by all the stitches it offered and was kind of beside myself that it had a semi-automatic buttonholer. Never mind the fact that it took me about 10 years to learn how to use the buttonholer, but it was there.

So when I saw this super fancy limited edition Singer 160 Anniversary machine, I was kind of conflicted at how badly I wanted this.

Ok, first, it’s super pretty. It reminds me so much of my grandma’s old singer, which I still have — and even have a tattoo of — but this not only has multiple stitches, they are freakin’ electronic! To be honest, I’m kind of a knob-turning loyalist, but I think I might switch over for this one. Also, this would probably be an upgrade from my current model. While I am conflicted about being a fancy lady with a highfalutin sewing machine, who am I kidding? It’s still not a Pfaff or Bernina. It doesn’t get more old school and humble than a Singer.

What do you think? Should I save up my pennies and get this badass motherfucker? What kind of machine do you sew on? Do you have any old machines that have been passed down through your family? Are you a button-pusher or a knob-turner?

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